Georgia Appellate Court: Parents May Be Liable for Child’s Cyber-Bullying
Facebook Semi-Private Setting not Private, Georgia Court Holds
Texting Isn’t the Only Distraction Increasing the Frequency of Teen Accidents
NHTSA Requiring Rear Visibility Technology by 2018
Supreme Court Raises Bar On Harassment Victims
The Defensive Use of Social Media
Title VII Covers Male Employee Harassed for Being “Unmanly”
U.S. Senate Passes Historic Gay Rights Bill
Vegas Vacation: Is It FMLA Protected?
Workers’ Compensation Act Bars Rape Victim’s Claim
Failure to Specify Damages In Ante-Litem Notice Not a “Pothole” for Personal Injury Victim
GA Supreme Court Reinforces Absoluteness of Privilege between Patients and Mental Health Profs
Fourth Circuit: Employer May Be Held Liable for Third-Party Harassment
US Supreme Court Expands Whistleblower Protection Under The Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Four Tips for Preparing to Speak with an Employment Lawyer
Fourth Circuit: Severe Temporary Impairment May Constitute An ADA Disability
Attorney Client Privilege and Work Product Protection for Law Firm In-House Counsel
Live-In Domestics To Become Overtime Eligible In 2015
Obesity Now A Protected Disability?
Good for Goose, Good for Gander: Georgia’s Anti-Litem Statute Revisited